Hi my dear freakz, I need to ease something off my chest that have been adding some inner frustration, and hopefully as I write this it'll end on a positive note, after all, I am an optimist and I always try to see go [...]


Hi freakz, been a long time since! :) Im going to write about two subjects this night: • The movie • Mine and Necrinity's try-out on our characters for the photo session First, I want to take the opportunity [...]


When the tragic and unexpected death of Bowie occurred January the 10:th this year it was kind of unbearing since it occurred under one of the worst circumstances in a long time! I had a bad time, it was like a period of [...]


......now let's change the subject a little bit :3 The German Fetish Ball (XIII); This will be a feisty one! So we (Necrinity and I) went to Berlin, Germany last Thursday for the GFB weekend, primary for walking [...]


da hell do I even begin? For the recent week I have been busy (to put it lightly) Much work and too little Because of this update being so overly informative, I will split it up in two posts. Red Room; A proje [...]


Everything booked! This May I'll be heading to Germany for the German Fetish Ball 2016, where I'll be walking for Slaughter House Couture, party til I drop (if I'll ) and just have a great time :D Beside that I'll have [...]